According to the latest statistics, the experts claim that in the United States only, 70 million people (which is almost 1 of every 3) have high blood pressure. And in Canada, it’s 1 in 6. The experts say that hypertension increases the risk of heart disease, arteriosclerosis, stroke, and kidney failure. Managing this condition is therefore critical not just for all-around health and feeling good but to prevent life-threatening illness.
There are several risk factors for high blood pressure: age, excessive use of alcohol or drugs of any kind, overweight, race – high blood pressure is more common in African Americans than white Americans, sedentary lifestyle, stress, tobacco use, chronic vitamin D and/or potassium deficiency over time, too much salt, other chronic conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease
Unfortunately, many people all around the world think that 120 over 80 is a normal blood pressure, and that if your blood pressure is higher you need to visit your cardiologist immediately. Well this no longer applies! Just take a look at the article below and find out more about this! The ESC Association issued new guidelines, according to which the normal pressure to 140 systolic (the top number in a blood pressure measurement) and 90 diastolic (bottom number).
This, however, does not apply for people with diabetes, in which the limit is 130 over 80, as in the older population. Previously was thought that if someone’s blood pressure is 139 over 89 that that person is already in hypertensive condition and that this person needs to take meds immediately in order to avoid increased risk of heart attack or stroke. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.