Throughout the past years, people have troubles with parasites. But undoubtedly today things aren’t all that bad since the health standards have increased to a new level. Common pollutants like asbestos, dyes, PCBs, benzene heavy metals can have a negative effect on the immune system, thus preventing the body from proper respond to parasites. Consequently, a parasitic infection occurs.
The effects are not drastic in all cases and not all parasites are life-threatening. However, even the ones that are not so dangerous can cause terrible symptoms.
8 Common Symptoms of Parasitic Infection
1. Fatigue
According to Dr. Leo Galland, internal parasites are responsible for the chronic fatigue experienced in many of his patients. In most cases, the main cause is the protozoa class of parasite, which can reside in drinking water.
2. IBS
Nearly 50% of all IBS patients have a parasite called blastocystis hominis. The oral-fecal contact causes this parasite to spread.
For instance, if a chef does not wash his hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, he will expose the customers to possible blastocystis hominis infection.
3. Skin Conditions
Mites are parasites that enter into your skin and lay eggs. This can cause allergic reaction that can manifest itself in rashes, hives, eczema, and bumps. According to some studies, 4 out of 5 Americans have detectable levels of mites. They can live in drapes, carpets, and linings.
4. Insomnia
Roundworms live in soil and they enter your body through your mouth or skin. Insomnia is considered as one of the symptoms of roundworm infection. Roundworms can infiltrate your gut, causing havoc on beneficial bacteria.
5. Weight Problems
A recent study showed that the protozoan class of parasite can lead to metabolic syndrome. Obesity is the main symptom of metabolic syndrome.
6. Joint Pain
The journal Rheumatology published a research which showed that polyarthritis is the main feature of parasitic infection.
Another study from the Journal Parasite Immunology claims that there is a connection between parasites and inflammatory conditions including Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
7. Anemia
Anemia is considered as the most common blood condition in the United States. In most cases, a hookworm infection can be the cause for this condition.
Hookworms usually live in soil and can enter in the body through your skin. They feed on blood, which in turn results in deficiency of red blood cell and eventually leads to anemia.
8. Poor Digestion
According to Dr. Oz, intestinal parasites are the cause for abnormal digestive symptoms like abdominal pain and cramping. Intestinal parasites include ascariasis, pinworm, and tapeworm.
So, what do you think? Have you noticed some of the symptoms that indicate a parasitic infection?