Do you experience a burning sensation right after a meal? If yes, the chances are you are suffering from acid reflux. Even though most people believe that acid reflux is harmless and can be treated with an antacid, the truth is that it may indicate something much more serious.
Stomach acid is basically helpful as it stimulates the digestion process, the process in which food is broken down into particles which are then absorbed or removed from the body. These particles are then used to create new cells as well as for energy.
Although other body parts are also included in this process, the stomach acid has the critical role. It is produced by the parietal cells and it is made of pepsin and hydrochloric acid.
Pepsin is an enzyme which breaks down proteins and it is activated by the hydrochloric acid. On the other hand, the hydrochloric acid has the critical role in the digestion process as it is the one which breaks down bacteria and germs. It also absorbs minerals like sodium, iron, and magnesium, all of which are of utmost importance for the overall health.
Given the fact that acid reflux is caused by high levels of stomach acid, it is not surprising that using an antacid to neutralize it is the most logical solution. However, this may be the wrong way as a recent study shows a link between antacids and dementia.
Antacids are used for treating hyperacidity, but a lack of stomach acid can cause acid reflux as well. Hypochlorhydria is also known as lack of stomach acid. If there is no enough stomach acid, food remains in the stomach and it ferments. Food fermentation leads to gas. This gas then has an effect on the esophagus and causes heartburn.
Numerous factors can cause low stomach acid:
- Constant stress
- Eating too quickly or overeating
- Consuming too much protein, especially from dairy, red meat, refined and fatty foods.
- Smoking
If you have low stomach acid and take an antacid, it eliminates your defensive and digestive powers. In case, the food is not broken down as it should be and your body is deprived of a number of essential nutrients. This causes a weakened immune system and leads to a number of diseases.
One of the first things that protect your body from bacteria and harmful viruses is the stomach acid. H. Pylori is a bacteria, which is usually eliminated by the stomach acid. But, if you have low stomach acid, then this bacteria grows and leads to stomach ulcers.
There are various symptoms related to hypochlorhydria. These can be bloating, constipation, heartburn, and acid reflux. There is a way to test the stomach acid levels at your home.
Betaine HCL
Betaine HCL is derived from beets and it is a natural substance that enhances stomach acids. Both doctors and naturopaths recommend betaine HCL to compensate for hypochlorhydria. Also, betaine HCL helps with candida overgrowth, thyroid dysfunction, gallstones, and acne.
The test
This test, which can be performed at home, is an effective and simple way of discovering if you have low stomach acid. Prior to doing this test, consult with a medical practitioner. In case you are taking ibuprofen or aspirin, do not take betaine HCL. Furthermore, if you have had gastritis or ulcers, do not perform the test.
Purchase betaine hydrochloride from a health store. Make sure that the product you buy does not have any additives or fillers. Drink one capsule after your first meal. If there is a feeling of pain, discomfort or warmth in your stomach, stop doing the test. That is a sign of healthy levels of stomach acid.In case you do not feel this, take one more capsule at the next meal.
See if the above-mentioned sensations show. Continue with this. You can take 7 capsules at the maximum. If you are able to consume more HCL capsules, that is a sign of a possible hypochlorhydria. The more capsules you can take, the bigger the severity.