As a rule, when we discuss our feet, we can without much of a problem say that dry skin on your feet and cracked heels are the most widely recognized issue. Awful shoes, absence of care, not eating properly and insufficiency of hydration of the skin are the most well-known purposes behind these sorts of issues.
Luckily, there is all natural cure that can help you with this both stylish and well-being issue. This cure, which is made by only 2 substances, will take care of the considerable number of issues that we’ve said above. This astonishing home cure can help you with varicose veins and corns too.
Crush 10 aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) or andol (acetaminophen) tablets to powder, and pour 250 ml of 70% rubbing alcohol over the mixture.Let the solution stay for a day or two.
After that, every night, shake it well and soak a cotton or gauze pad in it.
Apply the soaked pad on your heel, wrapit in plastic foil and put a sock on.Leave it overnight.
In the morning, rinse your feet with water and towel-dry. Then, apply glycerin or some greasy foot cream.For better results, you can exfoliate your heels with a foot scrubber before applying the foot cream.
The cracked and callus skin on your feet will disappear after only ten treatments. This miraculous remedy is also very effective in cases of varicose veins, whereby the pain lessens after its application.