Great part of the garlic sold round the world comes from China, even 80%. Last year, the United States imported 138 million pounds of garlic from this country. Some of you think it was grown in Cal…
Drink This 3-Ingredient Tea To Cleanse Your Lungs Of Phlegm, Toxins And Inflammation
We have all experienced the unpleasant feeling of having a respiratory issue whether it is a common cold, allergic reaction, runny nose, or asthma. They are extremely common and can be quite intens…
Zu San Li – A Point of a Hundred Diseases On Your Body: Here is What Will Happen if You Massage it!
There is a Japanese story, about one man who inherited treasured knowledge from his father. He found a secret about point of a hundred diseases. His father advised him to massage this point constan…
12 Plants Native Americans Used to Cure Everything (From joint pain to cancer)
The Native American tribe Cherokee is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. This tribe believed that they have been given a gift by the Creator which enabled them to understand and use medi…
Turmeric Treats Arthritis Knee Pain Better Than Ibuprofen
The healing powers of turmeric are impressive. Many studies have already demonstrated how the spice can help fight fatty liver disease, weight loss and even cancer. In many cases, turmeric can help…
Your Fluoride Comes From China! And It’s Laced With Heavy Metals
It may interest you to know that the fluoride in your water comes from China and is laced with heavy metals. Natural News reports suggest that the fluoride used in America and added to the water is…
Dryer Sheets Cause Hormone Imbalance, Neurotoxicity, Respiratory Problems, And Even Cancer
Most commercial dryer sheets are loaded with all sorts of toxic chemicals including Benzyl Acetate, Benzyl Alcohol, Chloroform and Linalool; none of which are good for your health. In addition to a…
It Destroys Cholesterol and Burns Fat: The Drink That Comes Highly Recommended From Doctors
In this article we are going to show you how to make the most powerful home remedy to lower your cholesterol and burn fat at the same time. This homemade recipe is really amazing – even the medical…
6 Signs Of The Ovarian Cancer That Might Kill You Silently
You’ve probably heard that ovarian cancer is a “silent killer,” but there are often early warning signs. Unfortunately, some of the earliest symptoms are easy for both people with cancer and their …
5 Simple Exercises To Tighten Your Loose Arm
Uppers arms’ loose skin can be a cosmetic issue both for women and men. It sags due to physical inactivity or aging. Luckily, you can tighten it with some exercises for triceps muscle. In this arti…