Whenever a bad and constant cough attacks you, surely you are trying to relieve it with the help of numerous commercial drugs. Not only that they will not provide the promised results, but they can…
10 Foods That Unclog Arteries in a Totally Natural Way
The accumulation of cholesterol and arterial plaque can lead to clogging of the arteries. Clogged arteries can cause various health complications, like heart disease and heart failure. For this ar…
10 Reasons to Add Pineapple to your Water Daily
Ayurvedic philosophy claims that the daily routine is of great importance when it comes to preventing diseases. It is recommended to have a morning healthy rituals which will improve your health an…
5 Problems That Bananas Solve Better Than Pills
Bananas contain three types of sugar and a great content of fiber and that is the reason why that fruit quickly provides us energy. Besides incredible nutritional value, bananas also are able to re…
Forget Peppermint Candies: This Recipe “KILLS” EVERY BAD BREATH!
Sometimes no matter how hard we try –we eat peppermint candies and brush our teeth, we still cannot defeat bad breath due to eating garlic or delicious snacks. But relax because here is a recipe wh…
Don’t Use the Cotton Buds Anymore: A Doctor Discovered the Most Effective Way for Cleaning Your Ears
Although they are one of the most commonly used items for personal hygiene, cottons buds can actually do more harm than good. The thing is, we use cotton buds to remove ear wax and debris, but in d…
This is Used by all Women, and it Doubles the Risk of Ovarian Cancer
Although the vagina cleans itself, 25% of women use douching to clean it, which doubles the risk of ovarian cancer. According to past studies, douching is indeed related to vaginal infections, but …
How to Reset Your Thyroid to Burn Fat and Activate Your Metabolism
An underactive thyroid condition occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone that regulates the body’s metabolism. Symptoms can include weight gain, tiredne…
This is How to Get Rid of Water Retention and Lose Weight Fast With This Simple Tips and Tricks!
The main explanation for gaining weight is water retention. If you are overweight, water retention may be the main problem preventing you from losing extra pounds. Feeling puffed and bloated are th…
Foot Detox : How to Flush Toxins From Your Body Through Your Feet
Foot Detox can be an effective and easy way to help cleanse your body of toxins that build up over time — without the sacrifice of cutting certain foods out of your diet. Furthermore, foot detoxifi…