Tea tree oil is produced from a tree also known as Melaleuca in Australia. The native aboriginals have been using it for centuries to treat skin conditions. Years later, in 1920, chemist Arthur Penfold has discovered antiseptic properties of the tea tree oil.
Today, it is a popular ingredient in numerous cosmetic products, thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory abilities.
Which Tea Tree Oil Is Best?
There are many creams, lotions and moisteners that contain tea tree oil, but only in small doses. The best is to use 100% pure oil.
Usually there are no side effects, but first you should do a skin patch test. Just to be safe dilute it in a coconut, jojoba or almond oil.
10 Benefits of Putting Tea Tree Oil On Your Skin
1. Treating acne
Because of its strong antifungal and antibacterial compounds, tea tree oil reduces inflammation. Recent research has found that 5% tea tree oil had a significant effect as 5% benzoyl peroxide – most usual acne medication.
Just apply the oil to the skin and it will dry out whiteheads, pimples, blackheads and it will disinfect the pores too.
To remind you, the best is to use 100% pure oil. Mix a few drops of the oil with 1 teaspoon of witch hazel. Apply it with a cotton ball on the affected area once or twice a day, and leave it for a couple of hours, or overnight.
If you have issue with breakouts on your body, add a few drops to a bath and it will successfully clear the acne from your chest, back and other areas.
The tea tree oil makes us sensitive to the UV rays, so use a protection before going outside.
Also, tea tree oil helps with acne scars. To eliminate the scars, combine two drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Apply it to the skin and massage it for a while. Then allow it to act for about 20 minutes and rinse it with cool water. Repeat this process every day, until the scars begin to fade.
2. Relieving psoriasis
Psoriasis is characterized as red, scaly and inflamed areas of the skin. This condition has no cure, but the discomfort can be relieved by tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil removes the dead skin cells that actually cause psoriasis. Its antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal properties relieve the redness, itching and burning. Also, it contains terpinen 4, a compound that penetrates deep into the skin and diminishes the psoriasis scars.
To treat psoriasis, mix 10 drops of this oil with 2 tbs. of melted coconut oil. Simply apply it on the affected area. You can repeat this 2-3 times a day.
3. Eczema
Eczema is a persistent skin condition that usually results with a rash, itching of the skin.
The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil will soothe the itch and also will heal the skin. Anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil will reduce the inflammation, while the antibacterial properties will fight the infection and stop the spreading.
To treat eczema, combine 20 drops of the oil with ½ cup of coconut oil. Apply the mixture on the affected area twice a day.
Also, you can add 15 drops to your bath, but previously diluted in 2 tablespoons almond oil or in extra virgin olive oil.
4. Cuts and infections
To treat an infection or a cut, combine tea tree oil with lavender essential oil. First, you have to clean the cut with water and hydrogen peroxide. Then, dilute 2 drops of the tea tree oil in lavender or jojoba oil, and then apply it to the cut. Make sure to cover it with a bandage for prevention.
5. Razor burn relief
A razor burn can be uncomfortable and even painful. Mix few drops of tea tree oil in 2 teaspoons of witch hazel. Apply it to the skin and you will feel soothing sensation.
6. Get rid of athlete’s foot
For an athlete’s foot you can make a homemade powder. In a bowl, add 20 drops of tea tree, a ¼ cup of baking soda and a quarter cup of arrowroot powder. With a fork, break the lumps, and then add the mixture to the shaker.
Use: first rinse the feet and dry it, and then apply the powder. Use it twice a day.
7. Makeup remover
Tea tree oil is great for removing the makeup. Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with a quarter cup of virgin olive oil in a jar with a lid. Shake it until the mixture is well blended and store it in a dark and cool place.
Apply the solution on a cotton ball and sweep it over the face. Afterward, rinse it with water.
8. Boils
This oil is also effective for fighting an infection, including even the one resistant to antibiotics.
Dilute the oil in almond oil and with a cotton ball apply it to the boils, a few times a day.
9. Warts
Because of its antiseptic and antiviral properties, the tea tree oil is good for fight the warts.
By applying the tea tree oil it will stop the infections, and the development of bacteria and fungi. It will reduce redness, inflammation and irritation.
To treat the warts, first wash the hands and the affected area. Apply one drop of pure tea tree oil right to the wart. Put a bandage over, and leave it overnight. Remove it next morning, and clean the area. Repeat this process until the wart falls off, and that is usually between 1-4 weeks.
10. Soothe chicken pox
Chickenpox is rare these days, but still it can occur. To relieve that annoying itch, take a bath with tea tree oil.
Just add 5 drops of the tea tree oil, previously diluted in carrier oil, in the bath. Bath for at least twenty minutes in a warm water.